In 1993, a joint venture between two Dutch companies led to the formation of Farm Frites Poland. The farm has since served as an example of how potato production can be undertaken in a developing market using good practice and well-recognized techniques.

The farm, which now plants 900 hectares of potatoes annually, has especially focused on areas such as soil and water conservation, the use of innovative technology and employee welfare.

“We aim to lead the way in how we manage and run the farm, setting an example for farmers locally and to the industry. We like new challenges and are looking forward to a positive future.”

Jaroslaw Wankowicz General Farm Manager, Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. zo.o

Key areas of sustainable practice

Certification and assurance

Farm Frites was the first Polish potato farm to attain GLOBALG.A.P. certification, which covers wide-ranging policies in the areas of food quality and safety, environmental standards and worker welfare. The farm has also supported other growers to achieve the standard, and now 75% of contract-grown potatoes are from GLOBALG.A.P.-certified farms.

Human rights and well-being

There is no minimum wage for casual staff in Poland. However, to ensure fair remuneration, Farm Frites pays its casual staff the same hourly rates as full-time Polish employees.


Farm Frites has invested in many local projects, from improving water supplies and road maintenance to sponsoring the local football team.


The farm utilizes a system of crop rotation and cover crop planting, which helps to reduce soil erosion and limits the environmental impact of soil displacement. 


Water management is an important environmental consideration and Farm Frites uses EasyAG irrigation scheduling to monitor soil moisture and ensure the accurate application of water, thereby improving potato quality and yield, and maximizing water efficiency.

Advancing economically viable farming

Optimum storage conditions on the farm allow it to store 63,000 tons of potatoes, which helps maximize quality and yield from the harvest. Any potatoes that do not meet the required standards are used by other local businesses, helping keep waste to a minimum.

Production quality

The intelligent use of technology helps to maximize yield and quality, and ensures that Farm Frites only applies fertilizer and other inputs where needed.

As well as soil testing to prevent the over-applications of nutrients, spraying equipment is regularly recalibrated to ensure accurate application. The farm also uses a Field IQ-GPS system for the sprayer, which limits over-laps and ensures plant protection products are not applied above their maximum dose.

Learn more about Jaroslaw Wankowicz’s story

Explore the case study, where you’ll find extra details on how they’ve performed against the program’s good practice standards and criteria, what external research reveals about their actions and how improved sustainability benefits them.

Read full case study (PDF, 1.6MB)

“Farm Frites is a progressive and forward-looking company with a clear focus on its environmental and ethical practices. It has invested in cutting-edge technology to ensure it maintains strict control of both its inputs and outputs. Farm Frites welcomes opportunities to improve its standards while supporting the development of new and higher standards for Polish agriculture in a financially competitive marketplace.”

Karl Williams Operations Director, FAI Farms